Grain crops like paddy, wheat, corn and sorghum and to cash crops including tobacco, tea, cotton, gourds, fruits and vegetables.
It is complete nutrition and does not contain any hormones, can be used widly. It can be mixed with other fertilizer application, so as to meet the special nutritional needs of more plants
NPK is the kind of fertilizer containing two or three elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
high N series for start stage and some vegetables like spinach and cabbage.
high P series for appling after transplanting and for crops like beans
high K series for later stage and crops like potato, tomato, tabacco.
Address:Room 2101,Overseas Chinese Plaza,No.1 North Daqiao Road 210031, Nanjing China
Factory address: South chemical district, Economic and technology zone, Xinyi city, Jiangsu, China
Tel: 86-25-5863-0277 Fax: 86-25-5863-0299